Now as far back as I can remember President's have always done this. Reagan, Clinton, even the "Peanut man", Jimmy Carter has made it a purpose to stray away from the normal political conflicts and speak encouragement to our students/future country leaders. Yet, for the first time in history schools are offering the parents the opportunity to let their children play with the logo blocks an extra hour rather than hear what our Chief Commander has to say. Now of course this is the first time a African American has every held the office. Yet, I won't go that route (although it's probably the fastest one to get to where I'm going). In stead I would rather take a minute to address the danger in the disrespect of authority.
Although we didn't see this type of behavior from the governmental system when George W. Bush was President, I still notice that people were not ashamed to call our former President any name that would get a laugh at the moment. Bush became the but end of every Late Night Talk Show hosts' joke. I personally thought that was very disrespectful and even confusing to foreigners and our own young minds who will inherent and become the diplomats of tomorrow.
A nation as great as America can't destroy from the outside. If our future is unpromising the threat will come from within. And despite what's being said by Capital Hill, it won't be debt, but more so lack of unity. President Barrack Obama attended and received valor from the top schools in our country. He came into office by a majority popular vote and he's our nations present leader. Though his views are not shared by everyone, respect for who he is and what he has accomplished should be. If we really are concern for the future of our children, let's start by teaching them respect for authority. And unfortunately that doesn't come by not letting them attend a African Americans speak, but it comes from the speak YOU make about your African American President. Peace Out!
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