In-Site on the lastest Political and Business News from Political Scientist Undergrad, Author and Song Writer, Delbert "RAS" Harris

Jan 25, 2010


I learn this weekend that when you lose vision, you lose life. This may not appear to be ground shaking for many people because they may not realize that death is a process. Death by loss of vision first starts by frustration. From that point you begin to make bad decision which ultimately lead you to the wrong path. This is what the bible calls transgression (it's a two part word; trans-switch, gression-movement). By lack of vision people trend to switch their movement from the right path to a alternate one. At that point your way gets hard, your lose your purpose in life, and there nothing left then but lost of physical existence. Hope is always found in Christ, but you may not realize that if you don't understand this process.

It may sound complicated, but it's not. We were all born with a purpose. Focus on your purpose is what we call vision. If you don't find it, you will die.

One, Ras

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