In-Site on the lastest Political and Business News from Political Scientist Undergrad, Author and Song Writer, Delbert "RAS" Harris

Nov 3, 2010

Election Recap According to Ras

As I watch elections from my somewhat limited scope, I can't help but to wonder. Is our public officials concerned about the well being of their constituents, or is political offices a country club for control freaks. The reasoning for my statement is that I rarely see parties able to work together to create policies which would benefit the American people without insisting that they have as much control as they can possibly get. That's odd cause as children up to the point where we receive diplomas and degrees for academia the objective is to learn to work with guidelines and others. Anyway...

Here's the recap of last nights elections according to Ras (that mean the ones I found the most interesting).

Texas Governor Rick Perry becomes the longest servicing governor in Texas history with his comfortable defeat over Bill White (former mayor of my city Houston).

Sylvia Garcia lost to Jack Morman for County Commissioner of Precinct 2. This is odd for me for two reasons. One, I worked in Sylvia's campaign, and Two I don't know who Jack Morman is and now he represents me.

Harry Reid remain in the senate as major leader re winning his seat in Nevada, and the senate remains Democratically controlled.

John Boehner is soon to be the house majority leader with the House gaining over 60 seats to give the Republicans control.

This puts congress at a split and prayfully back to work to help fix the American economy, PLEASE.

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